Sport Local Sports Coaches - Part 2 When some local people took to coaching sports in our area, they had mixed results. I have given a rundown of how these enthusiastic amateur...
Sport Local Sports Coaches When some local people took to coaching sports in our area, they had mixed results. I have given a rundown of how these enthusiastic amateur...
Entertainment Scrabble Electronic devises take so much of people's attention today. When I was a nipper, we had tangible things in front of us, like real cards...
Butterflies Monarch Butterflies Now Away - 2017 We had nineteen caterpillars that we brought inside. One caterpillar dies, one chrysalis came to nothing and one butterfly came out but was ...
Creatures Hedgehog Visit It is an introduced animal to New Zealand and some feel as they are not indigenous, then they shouldn't be here. They are claimed to aff...
Butterflies First Monarch Butterfly Flies Away - 2017 The first of the class of 2017 have come to maturity and flown the nest. It came out of the chrysalis last evening and we left it until the ...
Butterflies Monarch Butterfly Production Line Eight caterpillars have turned into chrysalis' and one is curled up ready to become one. The metamorphosis that goes on with this tiny c...
Butterflies Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars - They're Back In 2017 We were getting no caterpillars on our swan plants this year. Then we heard aggressive predators were decimating the eggs and tiny caterpill...
Videos Let Her Speak First At breakfast a man asked his wife "What would you do if I won Lotto?" She replied 'I'd take half of it, then leave you....
Videos Impromptu Piano Boogie A piano is at the King's Cross St Pancreas Railway Station and a man by the name Henri Herbert starts to tinker with the ivories.